Home > Shipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery

Are there any customs fees?
You will not be charged any customs fees by selecting our flat mail rate. Howeve... more
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes! We can ship worldwide. If your country is not listed when you are filling i... more
How do I estimate my delivery date?
Estimate My Delivery Date: You may have questions about how long it will take ... more
What shipping methods do you offer?
At this time, we do not ship to APO/FPO addresses. Shipments to Alaska, Hawaii, ... more
How can I track my package?
To track your most recent orders, please simply click on "Track My Order (https:... more
Why haven't I received any confirmation emails or shipping updates?
When you subscribe, create a GiftLab account, pay an order successfully, or get ... more
What should I do if my order tracking information is not updated?
We encourage you to track your order online (https://www.giftlab.com/pages/track... more
Why does the tracking information show that my order has been delivered, but I haven't received anything?
Delivered: This means your order has arrived at your door or been delivered to y... more
Can I expedite shipping after placing the order?
1. Shipping Rates & Time As of the moment, we have 2-3 options for shipping: St... more